[electronic contributions]
[course material]
Electronic Contributions
Computer Algebra
Course material
Graduate Courses
Undergraduate Courses
N-P. Skoruppa,
Funktionentheorie II,
lecture notes taken by Lars Fischer, Siegen 2003
N-P. Skoruppa,
Analysis II,
Siegen 2002
N-P. Skoruppa,
Analysis I,
Siegen 2001
- N-P. Skoruppa,
Groupes et Géométrie,
polycopié de Licence, Bordeaux 1998 (in French)
- N-P. Skoruppa,
pour les sciences naturelles, polycopié, Bordeaux 1996 (in French)
Articles of the last years
N-P. Skoruppa,
Memorandum on
Dimension Formulas for Spaces of Jacobi Forms
(to appear),
preprint 2006
T. Ibukiyama and N-P. Skoruppa,
On Jacobi and Siegel modular forms of weight 1,
Appendix to an article of Cris Poor and David Yuen (to appear),
preprint 2006
N-P. Skoruppa,
Rechts und Links in der Mathematik,
Diagonal, Univ. Siegen 2005
K. Bringmann and S. Hayashida,
A converse theorem for Hilbert Jacobi forms,
preprint 2005
S. Hayashida and T. Ibukiyama,
Siegel modular forms of half integral
weights and a lifting conjecture,
to appear in J. Math. Kyoto Univ., 2005
S. Hayashida,
Skew holomorphic Jacobi forms of higher degree,
preprint 2005.
N-P. Skoruppa with W. Eholzer,
SL(2,Z)-invariant spaces spanned by modular units.
in Proceedings of the Conference in Memory of Tsuneo Arakawa
(ed. S. Boecherer et al.), World Scientific 2006, p. 365-388
N-P. Skoruppa and W. Eholzer,
Examples of modular sets.
S. Hayashida,
Skew-holomorphic Jacobi forms of index 1 and Siegel modular
forms of half integral weight,
J. Number Theory 106 (2004), 200-218.
S. Hayashida,
Klingen type Eisenstein series of skew holomorphic Jacobi
Comment. Math. Univ.St.Pauli 52 (2003), 219-228.
S. Hayashida,
Zeta function and Zharkovskaya's theorem on Siegel modular
forms of half-integral weight,
Acta Arith 108 (2003), 391-399.
S. Hayashida,
Skew holomorphic Jacobi forms of general degree (in Japanese),
preprint 2003.
N-P. Skoruppa,
Quick asymptotic bounds for Kissing numbers.
Mathematika 49 (2002), 51--57
- N-P. Skoruppa,
Modular forms methods for bounding kissing numbers, regulators
and co-volumes of arithmetic groups.
In T. Ibukiyama, W. Kohnen (Editors),
Explicit Structures of Modular Forms and Zeta Functions,
Ryushi-do, Osaka 2002,
N-P. Skoruppa and E. Friedman,
A Poisson summation formula for extensions of number fields.
J. London Math. Soc. (2) 61 2000, 36-50
N-P. Skoruppa and E. Friedman,
Relative Regulators of number fields.
Invent. math. 135 (1999), 115-144
N-P. Skoruppa and W. Eholzer,
Product expansions of conformal characters.
Physics Letters B 388 (1996), 82--89
N-P. Skoruppa and W. Eholzer,
Conformal characters and Theta series.
Lett. Math. Phys 35 (1995), 197--211
N-P. Skoruppa and W. Eholzer,
Modular invariance and uniqueness of conformal characters.
Commun. Math. Phys. 174 (1995), 117--136
Publications difficult to find elsewhere
- N-P. Skoruppa,
Developments in the theory of Jacobi forms.
in International Conference on Automorphic Functions and their
Khabarovsk, 27 June -- 4 July 1988,
ed. by N. Kuznetsov, V. Bykovsky,
The USSR Academy of Science,
Khabarovsk 1990, 167--185
- F. Hirzebruch and N-P. Skoruppa,
Codierungstheorie und ihre Beziehung zu Geometrie
und Zahlentheorie.
Max-Plack-Institut für Mathematik MPI/88-6, Bonn 1988
- N-P. Skoruppa,
Ueber den Zusammenhang zwischen Jacobi-Formen und
Modulformen halbganzen Gewichts
Dissertation, Bonner Mathematische Schriften 159, 1985