Seminar Aachen-Köln-Lille-Siegen on Automorphic Forms
In the summer 2003 we, i.e. Jan Bruinier from Köln, Valery Gritsenko from Lille, Aloys Krieg from Aachen
and Nils Skoruppa, agreed to start a joint seminar, which should take
place four times each year hosted alternately by our home universities,
The original aim was to broaden the platform for our students
doing research with us in the field of automorphic forms.
Since then we organized many of these one afternoon workshops
with increasing success. Moreover, our seminar gained recognition
outside our four universities and usually during our meetings you have the
possibility to meet researchers from several other German or French
universities or from the Max-Planck institute for Mathematics at Bonn.
Accordingly, this seminar is now a platform not only for our students,
but, as one may recognize from the names of the speakers, for all researches
from the Benelux countries, from Switzerland and Germany and sometimes from
outside Europe.
The list of all speakers so far, including the posters of the meetings
and many snapshots, can be found below.
Pieter Moree MPI Bonn | The second order behaviour of sums of multiplicative functions |
Fabien Cléry Siegen | Siegel modular forms of genus 2 and level 2 |
Seyfi Türkelli Western Illinois/MPI | Lower bounds for the cohomology of Bianchi groups |
A. Raghuram IISER Pune, MPI Bonn | The Langlands Program and Special Values of L-functions |
R. Hill UC London | Construction of metaplectic groups |
M. Mertens Köln | Mock Modular Forms and Class Number Relations |
D. Gehre, A. Henn Aachen | Quaternionic Modular Forms with respect to ℚ(-3,-1) |
K. Maurischat Heidelberg | On Meromophic Continuation of Poincaré Series for Low Weight in Genus Two |
R. Olivetto Köln | Fourier coefficients of meromorphic Jacobi forms |
V. Gritsenko Lille | Exceptional Arnold singularities and their automorphic discriminants |
P. Vanhove IHES | Automorphic representations of small nilpotent orbits and BPS states |
P. Solé Paristech | The secrecy gain of unimodular even lattices |
Matthias Gaberdiel Zürich | Mathieu Moonshine |
Lassina Dembélé Warwick/MPI | Some examples of abelian surfaces with everywhere good reduction |
Anantharam Raghuram Oklahoma/MPI | Arithmetic properties of automorphic L-functions |
Nikolaos Diamantis Nottingham | Multiple Dirichlet series and second order automorphic forms |
Jörg Jahnel Siegen | K3 Surfaces and their Picard ranks |
Kathrin Bringmann Köln | Kac-Wakimoto characters and almost holomorphic modular forms |
Fabien Clery University of Amsterdam | Vector-valued Picard modular forms |
Mladen Dimitrov University of Lille | Modular symbols and p-adic L-functions for GL(2) over totally real fields |
Nils Skoruppa Siegen | An arithmetic theory of Jacobi forms over number fields |
Christine Bachoc Bordeaux | Lower bounds for the measurable chromatic number of Euclidean space |
Valentin Blomer Göttingen | Counting rational points on a cubic surface |
Jan Bruinier Darmstadt | On the converse theorem for Borcherds products |
M. Möller Frankfurt | Kobayashi geodesics and their modular forms |
N. Scheithauer Darmstadt | Some constructions of modular forms for the Weil representation and applications |
R. Schulze-Pillot Saarbrücken | Petersson norms of Yoshida liftings and congruences |
Adrian Diaconu Durham | Trace Formulas, character sums, and multiple Dirichlet series |
Masha Vlasenko Bonn | Nahm's equations and modular forms |
Sander Zwegers Köln | Some indefinite theta functions |
Hisa-aki Kawamura Grenoble/Hokkaido | On some constructions of p-adic families of Siegel modular forms |
Pierre Vanhove IHES | Automorphic properties of string theory amplitudes in various dimensions |
Jean-Claude Belfiore Paris | Analysis of Lattice Coding for the Wiretap Channel with Gaussian noise |
Jens Funke Durham | Spectacle cycles and half integral weight modular forms |
Nils Skoruppa Siegen | Jacobi forms of singular and critical weight and lattice Index on the full modular group |
Hiroki Aoki Tokyo | On the Jacobi triple product identity and Borcherds products |
Don Zagier MPI Bonn | Teichmüller curves and their modular forms |
Winfried Kohnen Heidelberg | Generalized modular functions and their characters |
Martin Raum MPI Bonn | A computational approach to the Boecherer conjecture |
Jonas Bergström Amsterdam/MPI Bonn | Moduli of abelian varieties and congruences between Siegel modular forms |
Siegfried Böcherer Mannheim | Witt operators of squarefree level and small weights |
Eberhard Freitag Heidelberg | Some Siegel Calabi-Yau-3-manifolds |
Gregory Sankaran Bath | Commutators in orthogonal groups |
Michael Harris Paris 7 | On the Sato-Tate Conjecture |
Sameer Murthy Paris 6 | Quantum black holes and mock modular forms |
Fredrik Strömberg Darmstadt | On computational aspects of vector-valued modular forms for the Weil representation |
Ben Kane Köln | Equidistribution of Heegner Points and Quadratic Forms |
Ulf Kühn Hamburg | Scattering constants and Neron-Tate heights |
17.04.2009 Utrecht
Matthias Schuett Copenhagen | K3 surfaces and modular forms |
Gerard van der Geer Amsterdam | Siegel modular forms of low genera |
Don Zagier Paris | On a U(3,1)-automorphic form of Ferapontov-Odesskii |
Olav Richter Denton,Aachen | Jacobi forms over complex quadratic fields via the cubic Casimir operator |
Lynne Walling Bristol | Half-integral weight Siegel modular forms, Hecke Operators and theta series |
Jan Hendrik Bruinier Darmstadt | Faltings heights of CM cycles and derivatives of L-functions |
12.11.2008 Lille
Kenji Iohara Lyon | The Appell elliptic function and Lie superalgebras |
Benoit Grandpierre Lille | A new construction of the Igusa form of weight 35 and other reflective modular forms associated to the Borcherds function $\Phi_12$ |
Atish Dabholkar Paris 6 | Siegel Forms and Black Holes |
Nils-Peter Skoruppa Siegen | On the computation of modular forms of half integral weight |
Hiroki Aoki Tokyo/Siegen | On vector valued Siegel modular forms |
Aloys Krieg Aachen | Fixpunkte von Möbiustransformationen über den Quaternionen |
Valery Gritsenko Lille/MPI Bonn | Quasi pull-back of the Borcherds function $\Phi_12$ and the Zagier L-function $L(s, \Delta)$ |
Viacheslav Spiridonov LTPh/Dubna/MPI Bonn | Elliptic gamma functions and elliptic hypergeometric integrals |
Kathrin Bringmann Minneapolis/MPI Bonn | Asymptotic and exact formulas for weak Maass forms |
Soeren Krausshar Leuven | k-hypermonogenic automorphic forms and their relation to Maass wave forms |
Jan Bruinier Darmstadt | Heegner divisors, L-functions and harmonic weak Maass forms |
Jonathan Hanke Duke/MPI Bonn | Finiteness Theorem and Representing Integers by Quadratic Forms |
Valery Gritsenko Lille | On an automorphic problem of K.Saito |
Michael Harris Paris VII | On the Sato-Tate conjecture |
Boris Venkov St.Petersburg/Aachen | Perfect lattices and spherical designs |
Gabriele Nebe Aachen | Codes and invariant theory |
Najib Ouled Azaiez Max-Planck Bonn | The algebra of restrictions of Hilbert modular forms |
Yasuo Ohno Osaka, Max-Planck Bonn | On relations among non-strict multiple zeta values |
Nicole Raulf Lille | Fundamental discriminants and the asymptotics of the corresponding class numbers |
Kilian Kilger Heidelberg | Periods of cusp forms for \Gamma_0(2) and an application |
Fredrik Strömberg Clausthal | Hecke operators and Maass wave forms on PSL(2,Z) with integer weight and non-trivial multiplier system |
Bas Edixhoven Leiden | On the computation of coefficients of modular forms |
Gabor Wiese Regensburg | Inverse Galois theory via modular representations |
Bernhard Heim MPI Bonn | Ramanujan type congruences and Jacobi forms |
Renaud Coulangeon Bordeaux | Minima of Epstein zeta functions and spherical designs. |
Gerard van der Geer Amsterdam | Siegel modular forms of degree 2 and Harder's conjecture. |
Don Zagier Paris | Various realizations and applications of the principal series for SL(2,R) |
Siegfried Böcherer Mannheim | Siegel modular forms modulo p |
Sebastian Mayer Aachen | Hilbert modular forms for Q(\sqrt{5}), Q(\sqrt{13}), and Q(\sqrt{17}) |
Eberhard Freitag Heidelberg | Point configurations and modular forms |
B. Ramakrishnan HRI Allahabad, IHES Paris | On a conjecture of Zagier |
Nils Scheithauer Heidelberg | The Weil representation of SL(2,Z) and some applications |
Rainer Schulze-Pillot Saarbruecken | Jacquet's conjecture and invariant linear forms |
Yumiko Hironaka Tokyo, Mannheim | Linear Independence of Local Densities |
Shabnam Kadir Oxford, Hannover | Arithmetic Mirror Symmetry and Siegel Modular Forms |
Valery Gritsenko Lille | Thetablocks I: Application to Siegel Modular Varieties |
Nils-Peter Skoruppa Siegen | Thetablocks II: Building Jacobi Forms from Quarks |
Alexei Pantchichkine Grenoble | Triple products of Coleman's families (a joint work with S.Boecherer) |
Ingo Kloecker Aachen | Modular Forms for the Orthogonal Group O(2,5) |
Valery Gritsenko Lille | Kodaira dimension of the moduli spaces of K3 surfaces, the automorphic aspects |
Audrey Terras UC San Diego | What are zeta functions of graphs and what are they good for? |
William Duke UC Los Angeles | Asymptotics of traces of j-values |
Harold Stark UC San Diego | Class-Numbers of CM Fields |
Jürg Kramer HU Berlin | Sup-norm bounds of automorphic forms |
Tobias Mühlenbruch Clausthal | Hecke operators for period functions |
Ulf Kühn HU Berlin | On the arithmetic geometry associated with Hecke's Eisenstein series of weight 2 |
Nicole Raulf MPI Bonn | Hecke operators and quadratic forms |
Rolf Berndt Hamburg | Representations of the Jacobi group and Marsden Weinstein reduction |
Nils Scheithauer Heidelberg | On the classification of automorphic products and generalized Kac-Moody algebras |
Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama Osaka | Conjecture of a Shimura correspondence for Siegel Modular Forms of Degree Two |
Arnaud Jehanne Bordeaux/Siegen | Modular forms of weight 1 |
Winfried Kohnen Heidelberg | On the number of representations of an integer as a sum of an even number of squares |
Gabriele Nebe Aachen | Explicit actions of Hecke operators on certain genera of lattices |
Aloys Krieg Aachen | Theta Series over the Hurwitz Quaternions |
Don Zagier Paris | Modular forms, Mock modular forms and dilogarithms |
Eberhard Freitag Heidelberg | Modular varieties of low dimension |
Winfried Kohnen Heidelberg | Estimating Fourier coefficients of Siegel modular forms |
Jens Funke Las Cruces | Cycles with local coefficients and vector valued Siegel modular forms |
Aloys Krieg Aachen | The Graded Ring of Hermitian Modular Forms of Degree 2 over Q(\sqrt{-2}) |
Julien Puydt Grenoble | Special values of the L-functions of modular forms |
Nils-Peter Skoruppa Siegen | Computing elliptic modular forms - a howto, possible projects and perspectives |
Shuichi Hayashida Osaka | Siegel modular forms of half integral weight and skew holomorphic Jacobi forms |
Winfried Kohnen Heidelberg | Maass-space in higher genus |
Kathrin Bringmann Heidelberg | Abschätzung von Fourier-Koeffizienten Siegelscher Spitzenformen |
Jan Bruinier Cologne | On two geometric theta lifts |
Sören Kraushaar Gent | Monogenic automorphic forms for principal congruence subgroups of the hypercomplex modular group |
Özlem Imamoglu Zürich, Santa Barbara | Lattice points and Dirichlet series |