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/ fb6 / rmi / ant / Contact

Welcome on the home page of the algebra and number theory group
in the mathematics department of the university of Siegen.

Prof. Dr. Nils-Peter Skoruppa
Martin Frick
(+49) 271 740-3570/3507 (secretariat)
(+49) 271 740-3567 (director)
(+49) 271 740-3521/3514 (secretariat)
Algebra und Zahlentheorie
Fachbereich Mathematik
Universität Siegen

Walter-Flex-Str. 3
57068 Siegen


Personal contact

Office hours Prof. Skoruppa Mon 10 - 11.

Opening hours of the secretariat Tu 9-12. At all other times please contact Herrn Frick by phone or email.


Firmenlauf 2011
more snapshots

30. AKLS in Lille
more snapshots

Firmenlauf 2010
more snapshots

25. AKLS in Siegen
more snapshots

Firmenlauf 2009
more snapshots

AKLS Utrecht: 17.-18.04.2009
more snapshots

AKLS Lille: 12.-14.11.2008
with excursion
to Paris... more snapshots

Team of the Mathematics Department participated in the Siegerländer Firmenlauf 2008 ... moreENC-Team-2008.jpg

Spring School: 17.-28.03.2008
Mathematik mit SAGE
in Aachen... more RWTHSage Miniposter

Next French-German Seminar will be in Lille on November 21 ... more Lille-2007-group.jpg

Group coorganized conference in July in Palo Alto on ... more

Group organized international conference in May in Marseille ... more Luminy-2007-group.jpg

Team of the Physics and Mathematics Department participated in the Siegerländer Firmenlauf 01-06-07 ... moreENC-Team-2007.jpg

Group contibuted to Girls Day on 26-04-07 ... more