The Quadratic Modules Project



Lars: Report on Python I

Lars: Report on Python II
All: Assignment of tasks for first steps towards a quadratic module implementation

All: Reports/Report on the current statuss of the project
Nils: Lecture/Remarks on the Implementation of Subgroups
All: Discussion and new assignment of tasks

All: Reports/Report on the current statuss of the project
Hatice: Lecture/Zahlkoerper in Sage und Quadratic Hecke modules
All: Discussion and new assignment of tasks

Lars: Lecture/Programming Paradigmas in SAGE
All: Reports/Report on the current status of the project
All: Discussion and new assignment of tasks

All: Reports/Report on the current status of the project
Saber: Report/Towards an implementation of $O(\undeline{M})$

Future directions

** Hatice: Report on Number Field Calculations in Sage.

** Hatice: Implement fqmodule( number_field_element)

** Saber: Read up on algorithms to compute  $O( \undeline{M})$.

** Saber: Put the Lecture Notes into \LaTeX.

** Lars: Investigation on the technical design of SAGE, its documentations etc,
   coding conventions (e.g. QuadModule versus quad_module - what is SAGE like) 

** Nils: Investigation on the programming paradigms of SAGE
   (e.g. the logical model to map mathematics: parent, element, category, name spaces,)